Killing Me Softly: Covid Injections.
Information provided here is for educational purposes only. It is not intended as medical advice. Not all information from these sources necessarily represent my view.
…and what you can do if you took one.
Don’t Be Fooled. Be Informed.
If you tell a person there may be danger with the Covid “vaccine”, they may say that they know people that are vaccinated and they’re fine. This is because they are not aware of a couple of things. Firstly, you are getting “vaccinated” from a particular batch or “lot”. It is said that most of the horrible *deaths ( and *suffering reactions ( caused by the Covid “vaccines” came from just 5% of the batches. So, knowing some people are fine, doesn’t mean you will be.
Secondly, there is often a delay, before the worst effects ( Example: will begin happening. How long this period can be, is still being determined.
Media and Officials
Are you one of those people that believes whatever reporters or officials say? This is a video showing international leaders being taught how to use fear to sell the pandemic. You are also going to see some of what’s behind the news we’ve been watching.
( Start viewing at 8:30 )
Fact Checkers?
Now that we have the media and officials out of the way, here’s a look into the “fact
checkers” we keep seeing:
Predictions Too Suspicious
Now that we have the media, corrupt officials, and fake hecklers out of the way, we can now show how there’s something obviously wrong with this Picture.
First of all, how could the “pandemic” be portrayed in a drama from 2009?
How could it be printed in a 1989 news paper? + or - a few details?
How could the “Monkey pox outbreak” have been detailed in an “exercise” that occurred months before it happened?
I’ll tell you exactly how. Intent.
you're becoming a worthless, meaningless animal and you should be hacked, monitored and ruled by computer, and not have free will and Covid will be used to do this.
That’s what this very influential man said…
How It All Happened
Now that you know the intent of what’s going on with “who” and that is was predicted, here is the timeline of what happened, including how the whole thing was patented.
and see:
The “Magic” Disappearing words
Now, we take a look at a patent that contains the words “magnetic nanoparticle”. Use the “search” function to search for “magnetic nanoparticle”. For fun, try “luciferase”. Here’s something you can try that lets you see for yourself, that something is a bit odd. If you download the document found at the following link and try those same searches, the phrase “magnetic nanoparticle” suddenly disappears from the document. “Luciferase” shows up 287 times when I search the posting. If I download it, and search the downloaded document, 283 of those instances “magically” disappear.
No Graphene in Covid “Vaccines”?
I am wondering if it could be magnetic nanoparticles or something else that is coming out of covid “vaccinated” people’s skin in this video:
Well, enter: Graphene Hydrogel…
Microscopes and Lab Reports
If this was in the “vaccines”, wouldn’t we be able to just put it under a microscope and see it?
Umm, yes. And we have.
And here it is…
Not Reported
So, isn’t this all being reported?
5. ( Copy + paste. Use search function. Search for “1%” )
10. ( Start at 11:00 )
“Covid Test”? You Tell Me…
1. *Warning: parasites and graphene.
“Hospitals?” Please Beware.
*( Attention: Hospitals are now paid for “Covid” diagnosis, “Covid” deaths and to use dangerous medicine on you for “Covid”. One of them is “Remdesivir” )
UPDATE: The last I looked, the cares act was taken out of effect. I leave this info here as a warning of what was done and could be done again.
14. (Good stuff around 5:40 )
“Vaccine” Suffering / Adverse Reactions…
4. ( many many testimonies )
What Are People Doing About This?
Ok, now you may say, if all this is true, what are people doing to stop this? Wouldn’t the real doctors and scientists come forth and address the public?
Yes. They would.
and here they are,
17,000 of them...
But where are the ordinary people with no title, who can do extraordinary things?
Now what we’re covering has brought us to a need for a little insight into the writer of this article. I am a believer. I don’t go to a “church”. I have come to understand that there is a difference between “church” and what we have here in most cultures. I have lived this way ( connected to people, not organizations ) since I was in my twenties and God has used me for many “missions” that involved some amazing coincidences that I won’t go into right now, because that would divert all my energy away from what I’m doing here. Let’s just say God’s real. Jesus Christ is real. I have seen criticism of the bible that may hold up regarding some details, but I have never seen anyone who can explain how Jesus Christ was written about in detail before he lived ( here ).
Why do I bring up God? How would that have something to do with what we’re talking about here? It has allot to do with it, in fact, your about to see it has EVERYTHING to do with it.
When you have someone saying that technology is going to make more and more humans economically unnecessary
and that person is saying you will soon be worthless and meaningless, saying that what the K.G.B. and the Gestapo couldn't do, can now be done and that you’re an animal with no soul and will have no free will and should be hacked, monitored and ruled by computer and Covid will be used to begin this, that human rights are a myth, that science is about power, not truth, that the world will be taken over by "Silicon Valley religions" and everyone should join "the beast system"and that you won’t be able to buy or sell unless you have the technology in your body… and this guy is being called “The prophet” and he’s influencing both the W.H.O., and the W.E.F.: ( Start around 26:00 )
you become pretty sure that:
1. There is serious substance to end times prophecies of the New Testament ( if you’re not seeing this, look into it and you will. )
2. If this guy is not the “false prophet”, it sure seems like we are at least living in the “end times”.
I am going to now begin telling you what I think this all is, from personal experience. It’s actually my experience researching what I am writing to you about.
This is God’s Battle
You see as I was researching this, I began noticing when I would find people who were showing high profile effort in this battle and began looking at them in interviews, somewhere in the interview, the person would mention God. First time, I just took note. Then it happened again. And then the interviewer starts talking about God. Again. In the end, it turned out that almost all the major players were mentioning a belief in God.
And I will tell you what is so amazing and so beautiful about it. This was orchestrated all on its’ own. These wonderful caring people came together from all corners of the planet and from differing fields of study, not knowing each other and from all nationalities to stand up for you and me. This is enough to bring tears to your eyes.
Look at what this women of excellent character goes through to do her job:
1. ( Start watching at 49:27 )
This, in my opinion is God’s battle and everyone, including some that don’t believe in Him are fighting the evil, but the thing they have in common is belief in and respect for the value of human beings. And the opposing side is the antithesis of that. They believe they can make themselves into gods and decide what happens to you and I and no one can tell them they are wrong.
Some guy I sat next to at the counter of a deli, once told me when I asked him “do you believe in God?”, he plainly said to me “If you don’t believe there’s someone higher than you, you run into trouble.” Rough quote. He was a retired corrections officer. He understood the human need for someone above, and how out of control people’s lives can become in an environment void of that. There is no substitute in the life of any person, for truth and Love from someone above you ( I’m sure that lack is what brought many people his way ).
People have been said to join gangs for two main things:
When you feel powerless and rejected, that’s when there could be trouble. If Hitler would have felt accepted and not made to feel powerless at an early age, could history, at that time, possibly have been different?
I submit to you that we are now in that same situation, where someone’s need for power threatens the lives of others. At the same time that some people are talking like Hitler, there are many people gathering together to try and stop this and undo some of the damage that has been done. I say we all gather together! This is the team I want to be on.
I am now going to leave you with an example of the team I ultimately belong to. I’m going to show you someone who actually started out on the opposite team and went over to the other. An ex satanist. I am not a churchy kind of guy and I think instead of preaching, I’d really like to leave you the great benefit of this man’s experience because to me, a real story is the best way to communicate what I want to say about God. Because the story of God is a story of rescue. That’s what this is and that’s what we need. Here he is.
Need shorter video?
Take It Farther:
The best I’ve found, for explaining the security of a believer in Jesus Christ, is Charles Stanley. He’s not perfect, but he has the preliminary issue down:
This is where the power is. This is the most important thing I can tell you.
In closing, we’re going to cover two things. Sources of information about detoxing the vaccine will be last.
What to do About This
First, what to do about all this.
Oh… we’ll never be able to get enough people to know about this. Right? Think again.
Look at this video starting around 104:24 and DON’T stop until you hear what he says about China.
Look at this video of a conversation between expert, caring person, Dr. David Martin and unrelenting worker for God, Stew Peters. Look what dave says:
( Start viewing at 25:30 )
If you’ve ever heard of the three degrees of separation, it suggests that everyone is connected.
Just Like Dominos
You’ve seen dominos. How they can be set up so that one domino knocks over three and each of those dominos knock over three. If this happens, the next thing you know, there will be tens of dominos falling over, this leads to a hundred, then hundreds. If this continues, there will be thousands.
That’s exactly what we’re going to do.
I’ll tell you how…
So, doesn’t this mean that if I tell you something and you tell three other people and they do the same, that it eventually will be known EVERYWHERE? Let’s find out! We’re gonna play a Country sized game of tin can telephone… And just to make sure it works, we’ll go for more than three. Here’s how. I have included a .jpeg attachment to this article. It contains 30 rectangles, each with the url of this article and another helpful website. Print it out, cut it up, and hand it out to people. It can be handed out or left in public for people to find, depending on the law in your area. If the quality of the .jpeg doesn’t print out well, just make your own!
This creates a self replicating event that may increase exponentially.
Let’s say you have to hand out 5 of these in order to get one person to read this article. I’ve given you 30. That means 6 people read this.
If half or more of the people that read this will print out the url and hand it out to people, guess what?…
This closes the loop. The result?…
We will have what Dave Martin said to Stew Peters, and lives may be saved.
Skeptical? Try printing out two pages. For a few cents more, you just doubled the amount of people who may hear about this. Even if you don’t make a single difference toward saving a world of people, you can still make a world of difference to a single person:
And… If you have any questions, my email is at end. I will answer you :)
Links to Information on Detox
There are various sources covering Covid vaccine detox, ect. I will update as I research more. For now, here is what I have:
Check your state here:
#7. There is a post on, that indicates, at least in her case that progress was clearly made.
#8. A.
Medical options are being censored.
Some doctors and pharmacies are not giving in
Doctors not afraid to prescribe Ivermectin, ect.:
A list of Pharmacies not afraid to fill prescriptions:
I will be updating this article. Until then, May God bless you.
Questions or comments
Questions or comments, send your email to:
I am always looking for ways to improve this article. I want to capture a persons attention and not let it go until the lies they’ve been told have been exposed and the truth that was kept from them is given. How am I doing? What would you change, drop / re arrange, to maintain a skeptic’s fleeting attention? Keep a person reading? Also, I have seen the views going up much faster lately. When I see that number, I want to know that it means I’m making a difference and not just entertaining people for a moment. What effect has this article had on you? Leave a comment. Thank you!
came across this Richard Fleming interview, looks like he's mimicking a court deposition or something. Not sure what the exact venue is but he gives a great overview o a lot of this stuff. Bravo for choosing the Reiner Fuellmich/David Martin interview. That was a milestone for me.
Ok, speaking from my own experience, I had already known about ozone therapy. So, when the "Pandemic" hit and everybody was panicking, when they told me it was about a virus, I knew something was wrong, because that can be treated with ozone therapy. You know, your question strikes at the heart of what you may believe a person to be. Why do some people question things more than others? Is it simply upbringing and personal experience. Is it the actual person, spiritually, who they really are beyond the factors of experience and genetics? These are both at play. Some live a life of business as usual. I would like to first find out what usual is. I find everything to be unusual. As for the other reaction, lapping this stuff up, to the point of it being a cult, yeah, I see that happening and to me, it's tied into some kind of need for identity.